
peace love and happiness :)  I've always found ops to be more
annoying... and when I was hanging out on #pygame we never seemed to
need it.  Just ignore them, and hopefully they'll go away.

Anyway, "pygame" is sending the storm troopers in.  Actual storm
troopers.  Storm troopers that are actually pythons inside (much
tougher than normal storm troopers).  So everyone better play nice, or
we'll ask everyone to play nice again.  So there.

worry, all will be well soon.


On Feb 20, 2008 9:43 AM, Devin Jeanpierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "So if something is dropped or in this case deregistered, the original
> initiator still has to take care of it until his death or someone else
> takes the burden, is what you say?"
> Or until it is moved to an unofficial (##) channel. As long as it is
> an official channel, yes, I think it should be maintained by the
> members of the project that the channel is officially about. There is
> also, like I said before, the option of creating and moving to an
> unofficial channel, ##pygame.
> Note I say it 'should'. I can't force you or anybody else to do this,
> but pygame is the only group that can take over the channel, which is
> why I am asking. I'd much rather have ops on #pygame than do something
> silly like move to ##pygame. It's just IRC, after all, it shouldn't be
> so serious.
> On 2/19/08, Marcus von Appen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On, Tue Feb 19, 2008, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
> >
> > > "How dare you to say one of the pygame
> > > members then should take resposibility for it?"
> > > It was founded by Pygame. That is why it is a # (official) channel,
> > > not a ## channel. Like I said, it was deregistered-- not never
> > > registered in the first place.
> >
> > So if something is dropped or in this case deregistered, the original
> > initiator still has to take care of it until his death or someone else
> > takes the burden, is what you say?
> >
> > I can btw. register the channel #frugulator for something, drop it
> > afterwards and the project members of frugulator will be responsible
> > afterwards according to your logic ;-).
> >
> > Regards
> > Marcus
> >

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