Er, I forgot to add that part of my idea included running the thing in
its own user, so your other files were safe. I wonder if Ubuntu would
want to automatically set up something like that when you install it?

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Dan Krol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah userland, excellent. I was also thinking about keeping it in
> userland when I was thinking about this concept. That way, you
> wouldn't even need to trust the repo very much.
> Again, awesome.
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Richie Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It will be up to the repo to moderate the security of packages.
>> I plan to have a policy of moderation on my own repository, once its ready.
>> I will give moderation privileges to trusted and experienced python
>> programmers, and ban people that abuse it. Anyone is free to set up
>> their own game repository though!
>> It runs entirely in userland, it does not need administrator
>> privileges. It does not use python's site-packages system.
>> I plan to have a sophisticated searching system including tags, so
>> pyweek games can have a pyweek tag and their website could instruct
>> their users to search for a tag, adventure games get a adventure tag
>> etc...
>> Other plans include translation into other languages.
>> Perhaps i could think of a way to allow more than one picture,
>> dropdown box maybe? or maybe you click it and it shows next one like a
>> slideshow. I want to keep the GUI simple, accessible and easy to use.
>> Also remember, this isnt just for Linux but I have plans to get it
>> packaged into ubuntu :)
>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Dan Krol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> This is fantastic, I didn't know this was in the works. I was always
>>> thinking, for open source games to take off, there needs to be a good
>>> catalog of games that people can browse, and it has to be flashy, but
>>> it has to show off the big advantage of open source games, which is
>>> that unlike other catalogs (like Steam), you can download it and play
>>> the whole thing, right now.
>>> For it to be attractive to users, though, I think It would be really
>>> nice if the games were categorized, had nice screenshots, etc. It
>>> should be like an advertisement, so people will be likely to check it
>>> out. But that's just my take.
>>> The only question I have is, is there any regard for security? Are the
>>> games being looked over before they're added to the repo? Etc. I'm
>>> perhaps naive and overly worried, I'm not familiar with how carefully
>>> Linux distros (for instance) usually handle this sort of thing.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dan
>>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Not to point out the obvious or anything, but why would you not just use
>>>>, which already has a big database of games. Just add an API for
>>>> getting the metadata you need and be done with it.
>>>> --Noah
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> On Behalf Of Richie Ward
>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 10:25 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: [pygame] PyGameDB coming along well
>>>>> The PyGameDB project which has similarity's to the commercial platform
>>>>> "Steam" is coming to a usable state.
>>>>> It is programmed in Python + WxPython.
>>>>> It works by adding the game to sys.path and importing the game (very
>>>>> simplified way to put it).
>>>>> It uses a XML file to get a list of PyGame's. It will also work with
>>>>> other types of python games, including opengl based ones, as long as
>>>>> they are open source.
>>>>> A huge feature is that it will make it easy to deploy pygame's since
>>>>> you do not need to package them as a .exe.
>>>>> It allows anyone to make a game repository, the XML file url can be
>>>>> set inside the application!
>>>>> I am currently looking for help with:
>>>>> * The pygamedb-server which is a website programmed in cherrypy or
>>>>> pylons which will allow people to submit/upload games and generates
>>>>> the resulting xml file.
>>>>> * Beta testers for the client and someone that can test it on Mac OSX
>>>>> * Someone to make me a pygamedb logo, I am useless with graphics!
>>>>> * Someone with knowlege of WxPython thats willing to help with the
>>>>> client gui.
>>>>> The project is currently missing a big feature, dependency/library
>>>>> support (It ignores that in the xml file right now). That will be
>>>>> finished very soon.
>>>>> You can see a screenshot here:
>>>>> The test repo is hosted here:
>>>>> The test XML Data file  is here:
>>>>> I plan to get a domain name once pygamedb-server is done..
>>>>> maybe?
>>>>> Getting it
>>>>> =======
>>>>> The project lives at:
>>>>> Windows
>>>>> Install all of the above.
>>>>> Debian/Ubuntu
>>>>> python-wxgtk2.8, bzr
>>>>> Once you installed that, Run this command:
>>>>> bzr branch lp:pygamedb
>>>>> Running it
>>>>> =======
>>>>> Windows
>>>>> rename pygamedb to and then run it.
>>>>> On all other os's just run pygamedb
>>>>> --
>>>>> Thanks, Richie Ward
>> --
>> Thanks, Richie Ward

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