
thanks for the report.

If you could make a small test case that crashes, or just post the
function body that crashes that'd be a big help in tracking down the


On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 1:21 AM, sy12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Here are the changes that I have noticed on Windows XP when porting my
> game from Python 2.4 / pygame 1.7.1 to Python 2.5 / pygame 1.8.1
> (actually after moving back to Python 2.5 / pygame 1.7.1 the changes
> have disappeared, so they are probably linked to pygame 1.8.1).
> 1. The F10 keypress event now reaches the window, and activates the
> window menu (maximize, move, close, ...), so the F10 key is not usable
> anymore.
> 2. The game crashes after a display feature is activated (I haven't
> located the exact line that causes the crash, but it's a function that
> uses draw_line, display.flip, draw_rect, blit ; I can locate the line
> but I would have to reinstall 1.8.1 ; in the worst case I will check
> if the next version fixes this problem, since there are already
> reports about the blit function).
> Additionally, I have noticed that the pygame.mixer.find_channel()
> function still can return a reserved channel (I don't have a simple
> enough program to guarantee this; at least the Sound.play() method
> seemed to avoid the reserved channels).
> Hope it helps.

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