Well, .set_alpha() docs tells that per pixel alpha overrides surface alpha,
so you can set the alpha but will have no effect.

If you are on pygame 1.8.1, you can blit to a temporary surface with
BLEND_MULT flags, the final pixel - channel will go as:

tmp = a*b/256 where a.blit(b,.., BLEND_MULT)

( interpret the formula as per-pixel per channel)

then blit the tmp to the desired surface.



On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:04 AM, Horst JENS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi List,
> just want to make sure i got this right, please correct me if i'm wrong:
> if i have a jpg-file, i can set the transparency with the command
> pygame.Surface.set_alpha(alpha-value).
> but if i hav a .png-file with already transparent background, i can not
> set the alpha-value of that picture ? Of the visible pixels of
> that .png-file, of course.
> Here is a demo , what i want is the second face (right) also to become
> more and more transparent:
> http://www.spielend-programmieren.at/wiki/doku.php?id=code:colordemo1.py
> greetings,
> -Horst

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