On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:16:28AM +1100, René Dudfield wrote:
> hey,
> is it possible to use numpy instead of Numeric?  Numeric really is
> dying now...  even we are going to stop trying to keep it working.

I suppose I should.  Since I'm really clueless about
Numeric/numarray/numpy, please tell me if this code has any obvious

  # initialization, done once
  import pygame
  import numpy
  image = pygame.image.load('title.png')   # has an alpha channel
  mask = pygame.surfarray.array_alpha(image)

  # this is done once every frame
  array = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(image)
  alpha = 42.5 # a float varying between 1 and 255
  array[...] = (mask * alpha / 255).astype('b')

Marius Gedminas
Never trust a computer you can't repair yourself.

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