Great ! and thanks for all the work

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 12:00 AM, Paul Vincent Craven <
> wrote:
> I spent the today continuing to work on builds and packaging.
>    - I can get pygame to build on Linux and push to PyPi Test server
>    successfully.
>    - I can get it to build on Travis-CI successfully and run tests. But I
>    haven't tried pushing it from there.
>    - I can get Pygame to build and work on a mac.
>    - I can get Pygame to build on AppVeyor and create a binary wheel.
>    Haven't gotten it to upload to PyPi Test successfully yet.
>    - While there isn't a package "Pygame" on the server full PyPi server,
>    it is reserved by someone. I'm not sure who can do the official updates.
> Tomorrow I hope to improve the packaging and pushing to the PyPi test
> server from all platforms.
> Paul Vincent Craven

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