On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 8:35 PM, Daniel Foerster <pydsig...@gmail.com>

> The third, and probably most convenient based on where you seem to be at
> in the curriculum, is to do something like Ian suggested. I think there's a
> simpler way to do it with similar performance though I've not benched to
> find out; I don't think autoresizing should be too much of a concern,
> especially early in a class like this.
> index = 0
> # Could also use a for loop to avoid repeatedly len()ing:
> ## for _discarded in range(len(my_list)):
> while index < len(my_list):
>     if need_to_delete(my_list[index]):
>         del my_list[index]
>         # We don't need to update the index after deleting because now the
> next
>         # item is sitting in the current slot
>     else:
>         index += 1
​The `list` type is an array, so the `del` operation is implicitly copying
the remaining elements of the list forward. This will be O(n^2) operations
over the whole algorithm. My example copies each element at most once, so
there are only O(n) operations total. This version may be more clear,


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