
I believe to have found a bug that crashes pygame due to an encoding problem.

My goal was to react to a specific event inside a (waiting) function while 
leaving the event queue untouched, so that the outer (main) function behaves as 
if I would have never read any events from the queue. I therefore reposted all 
events I consumed (via pygame.event.get()). This worked until I was pressing 
keys during execution of this (waiting) function.

Minimal working example:

import pygame, time
for event in pygame.event.get():
    print('reposting', event)

events = pygame.event.get()

I use "time.sleep(1)" here just to have enough time to press a key. When I do 
(I pressed the space key), I get the following output:

pygame 2.0.0 (SDL 2.0.12, python 3.9.0)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
reposting <Event(4352-AudioDeviceAdded {'which': 0, 'iscapture': 0})>
reposting <Event(4352-AudioDeviceAdded {'which': 1, 'iscapture': 0})>
reposting <Event(4352-AudioDeviceAdded {'which': 0, 'iscapture': 1})>
reposting <Event(4352-AudioDeviceAdded {'which': 1, 'iscapture': 1})>
reposting <Event(512-WindowEvent {'event': 1, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(32768-ActiveEvent {'gain': 1, 'state': 1, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(512-WindowEvent {'event': 12, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(770-TextEditing {'text': '', 'start': 0, 'length': 0, 'window': 
reposting <Event(32768-ActiveEvent {'gain': 1, 'state': 0, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(512-WindowEvent {'event': 10, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(1024-MouseMotion {'pos': (945, 226), 'rel': (0, 0), 'buttons': 
(0, 0, 0), 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(32768-ActiveEvent {'gain': 0, 'state': 0, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(512-WindowEvent {'event': 11, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(32768-ActiveEvent {'gain': 1, 'state': 0, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(512-WindowEvent {'event': 10, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(1024-MouseMotion {'pos': (945, 226), 'rel': (0, 0), 'buttons': 
(0, 0, 0), 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(32770-VideoExpose {})>
reposting <Event(512-WindowEvent {'event': 3, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(768-KeyDown {'unicode': ' ', 'key': 32, 'mod': 4096, 'scancode': 
44, 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(771-TextInput {'text': ' ', 'window': None})>
reposting <Event(769-KeyUp {'key': 32, 'mod': 4096, 'scancode': 44, 'window': 
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xde in position 3: invalid 
continuation byte
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bug.py", line 9, in <module>
    events = pygame.event.get()
SystemError: <built-in function get> returned a result with an error set

It is the second call to "pygame.event.get()" that results in the crash, and it 
does so only if I press a key during execution (otherwise, no exception occurs). I use 
UTF-8 as encoding for my source file. Adding an encoding comment at the beginning of the 
file does not make a difference.

Best wishes

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