Are there plans to add any more of the gdk_draw_*() functions to the 
bindings?  In particular, I'd like to see gdk_draw_lines(),
gdk_draw_polygon(), and gdk_draw_segments().  I see these are listed
in generate/gtk.ignore; is there a reason they're not included?
  I'd also like to suggest that gdk_draw_string() might need to use
gdk_draw_text() internally; I don't think there's any guarantee that
no font encodings use codepoint 0, so allowing a string with a null
byte should be supported.  I don't have an example, though, so this
isn't a pressing issue.
  (For the interested: I'm working on a PIDDLE canvas that draws on a
GtkDrawingArea, and takes care of double-buffering and resizing.)


Fred L. Drake, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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