On Wed, 2002-06-19 at 05:03, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 02:45:19PM +1200, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> > I have built and installed the latestversion (as of yesterday at least)
> > of pygtk and gnome-python.
> Since I don't have orbit-python on this box, none of the libgnomeui
> wrappers were built (I don't know if the orbit-python guys have even
> begun an ORBit2 port) and the bonobo stuff is empty (and not working,
> since it imports stuff that wasn't built).


> > Examples seem to work except for thr pygtk glade example.
> I had most of the examples fail to work, since they were using the old
> module namespaces for things (and I don't have the pygtk versions for
> gtk 1.x on this box), so I suspect you are getting artifacts from your
> existing installation. On the other hand, the pygtk/examples/glade stuff
> did work for me out of the box.
> Malcolm
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