Cameron Blackwood wrote:

>James Henstridge writes In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  | >
>  | >but I notice that the event.x and event.y that get passed to
>  | >my DO_mouse_click method are centered around what appears to
>  | >be the center of the mouse icon, NOT the hotspot.
>  | >
>  |
>  | I don't think there has been any changes since 0.6.8 that would affect 
>  | the value of event.x/y.  Those attributes should give you the position 
>  | of the mouse pointer relative to the window the event occurred in.  I 
>  | guess that in this case it would be the window of whatever was inside 
>  | your scrolled window.
>I have a draw area inside a scrolled window.
>Getting the mouse event from the draw window didnt work
>(hey, im a newbie :), so I nab it from the scrolled window 
>and then use the event.[xy] to plot crosshairs on the draw area.
>I kinda figured that the [xy] values were correct, given
>that the clicked event is only reported in the actual
>drawing area (and not the scrollbar or the surrounding
>window dressing).
>Ive included the source code below. Note the lines:
>    nx=event.x-3    #  / These lines are needed to get the mouse
>    ny=event.y-4    #  \ hotspot being the 'active' point.
>in my mouse event handler. If I remove them, it places the
>cross in some weird place.
>As I said, Ive only just started on pygtk. Maybe Im
>missing something obvious.
Maybe you would be better off setting a cursor for the drawing area? 
 That way you don't have to worry about redrawing crosshairs.  You want 
something like this:
    cursor = gtk.cursor_new(GDK.CROSSHAIR)

Or if you are using the 1.99.x series, the following:
    cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.CROSSHAIR)

In both cases, you should make sure you have packed the drawing area 
into the toplevel window (ie. there is a GtkWindow as some ancestor of 
the widget), and the widget is realized (call drawing_area.realize()).

For help with actual drawing, you may want to look at the 
example distributed with pygtk.

>Speaking of missing something obvious, if I have an expose
>function that needs multiple colors, I guess I should make
>and store various GC's in the object when I create it and
>then just use them when I draw, yeah? (Rather than creating
>them each time or something dumb like that or having 1 GC
>and changing the foreground color lots of times?)
>Augh, my brain hurts :).
>Actually Im loving pygtk. Its easy and powerful. 
>My only grips are:
>  * cant pack an object into multiple parent objects 
>    (eg, the same 'save' button in each window) 
That is the way X works (heirachy of windows).  If you want to put the 
widget somewhere else, you will have to remove it from its present 
parent container.

>  * I seem to end up with huge numbers of objects by the
>    time Ive created a notepad with 5 windows and 50 buttons
>    :)  (who cares, its only ram, right? :)
Probably not too much of a problem.  If it bothers you, there may be 
other ways to structure your interface.

>I guess Im too much of a sysadmin and massive numbers of
>objects worries me :) :) :)
>  | 
>  | James.
>thanks for the groovey library! :)
>PS: Abusive comments about the code welcome too :)
>    I guess I should be subclassing more stuff etc, but Im
>    building my knowledge in leaps and trips from
>    which seems to be the best tutorial I can find.


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