Anthony Tekatch wrote:

>I am using Redhat 7.2 with Ximian. I cannot easily remove esound since it
>is woven into many other packages. Just installing from the esound source
>did not solve any problems for me so instead I removed Gnome dependcies
>from my pygtk application (gonvert) and now I don't have to worry about
>gnome-python bindings for now. 
>I don't feel like installing "bad-ass" software on my system (garnome)
>just yet :)
The cause of the problem is that various distributions have started 
removing the .la files from their packages (Red Hat and Ximian, for 
instance).  Their reason for doing this is that the libtool .la files 
can cause problems when building software.  Eg. for a package that 
includes a library and a few utilities, if you do a buildroot install 
(like you would when building a binary package), libtool would decide to 
link the utilities against the installed version of the library, rather 
than the newly built version.  This would cause problems if the 
installed version had a different soname than the new version (you 
wouldn't be able to cleanly upgrade).  Also, for systems with proper 
shared library dependencies (most systems these days), the .la file 
doesn't provide any extra information.

The downside is that .la files try to pull in the .la files of other 
libtool libraries when you link a program.  So if you try and link a 
program to, which was built on a system with 
installed, but your system is missing, you will get an error. 
 You can fix the error by deleting the file, so that libtool 
just lets the linker find things.

What this means is that any of the .la files have been removed, you are 
best off removing _all_ of them.  Otherwise the effort spent removing 
the .la files will cause about as many problems as you had to start with.


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