If you ran into the problem of libgnomeui not being correctly 
initialised when you call gnome.init(), that problem has now been 
solved.  You will need to upgrade to libgnome-2.0.5 (in the 2.0.2 
release candidate) in order to get the fix.  Thanks go to Matt Wilson 
for tracking down the problem.  Symptoms of this problem included:

   1. stock icons defined in libgnomeui not working as expected
   2. UTF-8 validity errors when using libgnomeui widgets that display
      strings defined in libgnomeui and some locale using non-ASCII
      characters (since bind_textdomain_codeset() didn't get called,
      gettext helpfully converted the strings to latin1).
   3. customised accelerators not getting loaded (you probably wouldn't
      notice this, as accelerator customisation is turned off by default
      in gtk 2.0).

The next release of gnome-python will have libgnome-2.0.5 as a 
requirement, so remember to upgrade!


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