Christian Reis wrote:

On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 06:16:56PM +0100, Marc Recht wrote:

Scintilla 1.48 has been GTK2 enabled for a while now, and 1.49 now
supports Unicode. Only the port of the wrapper GtkScintilla to GTK2 is
needed and we are in business. Anybody already working on that ?

A while ago a made a patch (attached) for this, but I don't really recall if it was working correctly. If there is any interest I could have a
second look into it. Or anybody else could pick up the ball.. :-)

Johan, James: want to look at including this for the next release of

Is there any reason why you wouldn't want to distribute it separately, or even with scintilla itself?

I don't want to put it in pygtk, as I would like to keep it fairly low in the dependency graph (if pygtk depends on everything, then it makes building things that depend on pygtk a pain). It also doesn't seem to fit in as a gnome core library either.


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