[pygtk-1.99.16, gtk-2.2.2, python-2.3]
In the following code, I had previously been changing some style attribute,
then deleted the lines that set attribute, but left in the get_style;set_style,
assuming this to be a no-op.  Alas, no!

If I comment out the self.set_style(sty), the later modify_bg succeeds,
else it fails.

Why should a get + set change something?  I do no other explicit manipulation
of the style, though a number of modify_bg calls...

class Opwin(gtk.Frame):
    colors = None
    def __init__(self, op, writable=False):
        self.op = op
        sty = self.get_style().copy()
        self.set_style(sty)     # This line changes behavior!

    def lock_tog_cb(self, lock_tog):
            self.vbx.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.green)
 I cannot think why the whole bed of the ocean is
 not one solid mass of oysters, so prolific they seem. Ah,
 I am wandering! Strange how the brain controls the brain!
        -- Sherlock Holmes in "The Dying Detective"
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