
Am Montag, den 12.12.2005, 07:53 -0500 schrieb Gary Jaffe:
> Hi --
> I have a GtkTreeView that is working fine, but I would like to change 2 
> things.
> 1) Change the background color in the text area and

I sure hope you have a good reason for that, like changing it to RED to
GREEN as a status info (even then, not sure if it's ok to hardcode

that said, you can set background modify_bg / modify_base or on the cell
renderer by referring to a cell in the tree store for the background

> 2) Reduce the amount of vertical space between the text lines.

Don't. Modify the theme. Edit ~/.gtkrc-2.0
(or load an external theme file for the app from the user's homedir -
somewhere he can modify things)

> To change the background color, I tried
> viewBgCol = gtk.gdk.color_parse("#808080")
> view.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, viewBgCol)

The background color of the even rows or the odd rows or where there are
no rows or the selected row or the marked row or the selected and marked

> but this did not change the color.  For the reduction of space, I've 
> read through the pango docs, but was not able to figure out how to do 
> this.  Any help would be appreciated.

Edit  ~/.gtkrc-2.0 

I'd say it is a style property of the GtkTreeView or whatever Cell
Renderer you use.

The basic rule of thumb is: Honor the theme the user has chosen and
match those settings as close as possible.

As I said, there are exception, like for highlighting problematic rows
or such, but usually honor the rule.

> I'm running gtk version 2.8.6 and pygtk version 2.8.1.
> Thanks,
> Gary


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