
Am Donnerstag, den 01.12.2005, 12:23 +0000 schrieb Gustavo J. A. M.
> [...]

>   You need to call dialog.destroy().  "del dialog" doesn't work because
> gtk+ itself always keeps one last reference to toplevel windows until
> you destroy() them (or until they are implicitly destroyed by the user
> clicking the close window button).
>   This must be documented somewhere, I would imagine?...

Hard to say, really.

In my gtk+ bindings (for pascal), I usually ref and sink any gtkobject
at the beginning (i.e. in my WrapGObject function - like
pygobject_from_??? or-what-they-are-called-in-pygtk) to stop unexpected
stuff like what you describe from happening ... now if pygtk does that
or not, I don't know... (note that my gtk pascal bindings are refcounted
themselves so it's different from a mixed gc/refcount environment, I'd


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