Robert Palmqvist schrieb:
> Thanks a lot for your simple example Christian. It works like a charm
> and it also made it easy to reproduce my issue. Take a look at the
> additions I made to your code. I added an idle hook to each of the
> windows and the code now behave like my application (show the second
> window and you can't use the button to close the first one anymore,
> you can kill it by closing it by the window manager but it will leave
> the interpreter hanging).

What exactly are you trying to achieve with the idle_add?
If I understood you correctly, you want to show a secondary window, and
inhibit interaction with the main window as long as the secondary window
is shown, right? If this is the case, there is no need for the idle_add.
If you want to allow interaction with the main window while the
secondary window is shown, just skip the call to window.set_modal.

> So what have I done wrong? Setting idle
> hooks in combination with nested gtk.main() or is it because i call
> gtk.events_pending() and gtk.main_iteration(False) in the idle hooks?
> I don't know if I am supposed to be able to call gtk.events_pending()
> or gtk.main_iteration(False) in an idle hook but it worked until I
> started to use a nested gtk.main()...

You are not using a nested gtk.main. You'd have to call gtk.main a
second time for that.

You are misusing gtk.main_iteration. It is intended for integrating a
gtk mainloop into another mainloop, or stepping through the gtk mainloop
 while there is no gtk mainloop running. Just don't call
gtk.main_iteration while there is a gtk mainloop running.

> Example:
> -----------------------8<-----------------------
> import gtk, gobject
> class SecondWin:
>     def __init__ (self, parent):
>         self.parent = parent
>         self.w = gtk.Window ()
>         # Disable interaction with parent
>         self.w.set_modal (True)
>         # Tell WM this is a dialog
>         self.w.set_type_hint (gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG)
>         # Tell WM this window belongs to parent
>         self.w.set_transient_for (parent)
>         self.w.connect ("delete-event", self.hide)
>         box = gtk.VButtonBox ()
>         self.w.add (box)
>         b = gtk.Button (stock=gtk.STOCK_CLOSE)
>         b.connect ("clicked", self.hide)
>         box.add (b)
>         gobject.idle_add(self.on_idle)
>     def show (self):
>         self.w.show_all ()
>         # Indicate visually that interaction with parent
>         # is not possible while we are shown
>         self.parent.set_sensitive (False)
>     def on_idle(self):
>         while gtk.events_pending():
>            gtk.main_iteration(False)
>         return True
>     def hide (self, *args):
>         # Indicate visually that interaction with parent
>         # is possible again
>         self.parent.set_sensitive (True)
>         self.w.hide ()
>         return True
> class MainWin:
>     def __init__ (self):
>         self.w = gtk.Window ()
>         self.w.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
>         self.w.connect ("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)
>         box = gtk.VButtonBox ()
>         self.w.add (box)
>         self.sw = SecondWin (self.w)
>         b = gtk.Button ("show second win")
>         b.connect ("clicked", self.show_second_win, self.sw)
>         box.pack_start (b, False)
>         b = gtk.Button (stock=gtk.STOCK_QUIT)
>         b.connect ("clicked", gtk.main_quit)
>         box.pack_start (b, False)
>         gobject.idle_add(self.on_idle)
>     def on_idle(self):
>         while gtk.events_pending():
>            gtk.main_iteration(False)
>         return True
>     def run (self):
>         self.w.show_all ()
>         gtk.main ()
>     def show_second_win (self, button, w):
> ()
> w = MainWin ()
> ()
> -----------------------8<-----------------------

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