Hello to all,

This is my fisrt message in the list. I hope that someone can help me here

I am developing an graphical interface for an application. What I want to do
to embed a scrolling treeview in an hbox in this graphical interface. The
is that although I can embed the treeview, I can't make it support scolling.
tried some methods that the gtk.widget provides, such as

set_scroll_adjustments(hadjustment, vadjustment)
set_set_scroll_adjustments(signal name)

but I couldn't achieve something...

In the Internet and in the pyGTK tutorial as well, the only examples that
are only about making a scrolled widget by putting it in a scrolled

I've also searched in the current mailing list's archives, but I didn't find
a solution.

All I want is just an example on how to do that. For instance how to support
a scrolling  treview (or generally a scrolling widget) inside a container
such as
an hbox.

Thank you in advance,
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