Alex Dedul wrote:
> Hi!
> Any news on porting pygtk to python 3 ? I would be glad to help maybe
> almost full-time on this. Just would be good to know current status on
> this matters first.. And if none projects or initiatives were already
> started on this - is to okay then to just clone git repo and start
> hacking ? Any things i better do before that like to notify some
> people about this or the like ?
AFAIK, the expected way to support python 3.x is through
gobject-introspection generated bindings.

If you want to help pushing forward python 3 support then, IMHO, it
would be a good idea to help with the pybank and pygobject introspection
work. This last project was mentioned on the mailing list some days ago.
You should read the "[pygtk] introspection pygobject branch" thread
starting on the 13rd of october this year for more information and
pending tasks and try to contact the people working on it.

Regards, and thanks for helping,

Rafael Villar Burke
pygtk mailing list
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