Timo List wrote:
> My program uses the SQLite database. The database holds some 
> information about persons and I want to add a picture for each person. 
> Not the path to the file, but the actual image so that the image also 
> works if the file is deleted on the harddisk.
> I can save the image in a BLOB column as:
> imgfile = open('/path/to/image.png')
> db.save_image(imgfile.read())
> Works fine as far as I see. (Maybe any comments on this?)
> Retrieving also works, but I see no possibility to show this image in 
> a gtk.Image widget. I can't seem to find anything related to this on 
> the net, maybe someone reading this has done this before?
One possibility is to save the image as a compressed in-line image in 
the db and create a pixbuf from the in-line data after it's retrieved 
and decompressed. Here's some code to create an in-line image and 
compress it:

import struct, bz2
# pb is a pixbuf containing the image to be in-lined

pix = pb.get_pixels()
inline_img = 
bz2_inline_img = bz2.compress(inline_img)

# save bz2_inline_ob in the db

To use the compressed in-line image use something like:

# the compressed in-line image is in bz2_inline_img
inline_img = bz2.decompress(bz2_inline_img)
pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1, inline_img, False)

Copy the pixels if you are going to delete the inline_img string.

Then you can use the pixbuf to create your image.

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