I'm disappointed that I appear to be the only one on this list that 
finds these announcements objectionable. And contrary to speculation I 
find them all objectionable (yes that means yours as well Roberto). So 
far it's been lucky that not all of the hundreds of projects based on 
pygtk have felt it necessary to send announcements to the list and I 
thank them for their restraint. I would suggest that an announcement 
only maillist be setup for those who wish to send and receive these 
announcements but I fear that many would continue to spam this list anyway.


Greg Ewing wrote:
> PyGUI 2.1.1 is available:
>    http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python_gui/
> This is an emergency bugfix release to repair some major
> breakage in the gtk version. Also corrects some other
> problems.
> What is PyGUI?
> --------------
> PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
> and have a highly Pythonic API.

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