Nikolaus Rath wrote:
>>> | -        vbox.pack_start(self.make_shot_box(), False)
>>> | +         vbox.pack_start(self.make_shot_box(), False, False)
>>> Isn't the third parameter to pack_start ignored anyway if the second one
>>> is False?
>> No!  the prototype is :
>> def pack_start(child, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
>> So to set 'fill' to False you need at least 3 arguments.
> I don't understand.
> "The fill argument to the pack methods control whether the extra space
>  is allocated to the objects themselves (True), or as extra padding in
>  the box around these objects (False). It only has an effect if the
>  expand argument is also True".
> In the above line you set expand to False, so you don't have to provide
> a value for fill, IMO.

That appears to be the fact.  But I still prefer to specify both 
'expand' and 'fill'.

>>> |      def make_shot_box(self):
>>> | -        box = gtk.HBox(True, 10)
>>> | +         box = gtk.HBox(False, 10)
>>> This seems to get rid of the spacing between the label and spin
>>> button -- but why?
>> It doesn't.  It just sets the spacing of the widgets.
>> The code "box = gtk.HBox(spacing = 10)" would do the same thing.
> The spacing is the same in both versions, you changed the 'homogenous'
> parameter.

No!  The default is for 'homogenous' is False.  So technically you 
don't need to specify it.

>>> | +         box.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), True, True, 0)
>>> What is this for?
>> It (and its mate further along) are there to use up the available 
>> space in 'box' to make the other widgets as small as possible, and to 
>> thereby cause them to be centralized.
> Uh, I think I see. So the only way to center something in a box is to
> add an "empty" element on both sides with expand=True?

It is the only way I have found.

>> As another thing, there is an easier way to create the buttons in the 
>> make_button_box() function.
>>           for (name,number) in [
>>                   ('INIT',1),
>>                   ('PULSE ON',2),
>>                   ('STORE',3),
>>                   ('ANALYSIS',4)] :
>>              button = gtk.Button(name)
>>              button.connect('clicked', self.blub, number)
>>              box.pack_start(button, True, True)
> The buttons of course call different functions in the real code, this
> was just to simplify the example.
Ok!  but you could put in a function like.
for (name,function) in [('INIT',self.on_init_clicked),
                ('PULSE ON',self.on_pulse_clicked)] :
        button = gtk.Button(name)
        button.connect('clicked', function)
        box.pack_start(button, True, True)

Its just a coding preference, instead of have many pieces of code 
almost the same.

> Best,
>    -Nikolaus

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