I have just started developing GUI using pygtk & as a part of learning
pocess, I made this simple GUI to add two numbers.


Now, I want the "Result is: 14" to come to the left most area (right now, as
you can see, its in the middle). How can I achieve that?

My layout is like this:

1. All widgets are in VBox layout.
2. The two buttons at the bottom are in HBox layout which are then packed in

My complete code to the program: http://sprunge.us/KDgd?python   (remove
?python if you want to see textonly version).

I have also tried using self.label_result.set_justify() but I guess, its
just for the text inside the label widget.

So, what is it that I should do to solve the problem?

Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)
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