
I have a PyGTK app that runs perfectly fine on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) -

Recently I managed to install PyGTK on my Mac and the app runs pretty
decently on it too, but with few glitches. But, when I try to convert it
into an 'app', the build is successful. When I run the app, i get the
following errors:

 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey: <_FuncPtr object at
>> 0x1003d7ef0>
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey: Traceback (most
>> recent call last):
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey:   File
>> "/opt/gtk/bin/mm/dist/movie_monkey.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line
>> 179, in <module>
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey:     _argv_emulation()
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey:   File
>> "/opt/gtk/bin/mm/dist/movie_monkey.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line
>> 177, in _argv_emulation
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey:
>> _get_argvemulator().mainloop()
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey:   File
>> "/opt/gtk/bin/mm/dist/movie_monkey.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line
>> 101, in mainloop
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey:     stoptime =
>> Evt.TickCount() + timeout
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.791 PM
>> [0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey: AttributeError:
>> 'module' object has no attribute 'TickCount'
> 22/09/11 10:10:06.863 PM movie_monkey: movie_monkey Error
> 22/09/11 10:10:07.790 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501:
>> ([0x0-0xb43b43].org.pythonmac.unspecified.movie_monkey[8704]) Exited with
>> code: 255
I'm not able to make head or tail out of this. This is my setup file:

from setuptools import setup

> APP = ['movie_monkey.py']

DATA_FILES = ['movie_monkey.glade', 'res/', 'logo.png']

OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True}

> setup(



    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},



Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to include any dependencies?


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