> In a signal callback for a radio button, if I ask for its name
> (rb.get_name()) I always get "GtkRadioButton".  If I call get_property
> with "name" as the argument, I get the empty string.  Looking at the
> docs for gtk.Builder, I saw this:
> "Objects must be given a name with the "id" attribute, which allows
> the application to retrieve them from the builder with get_object().
> An id is also necessary to use the object as property value in other
> parts of the UI definition.
> Note: Prior to GTK+ 2.20, gtk.Builder was setting the "name" property
> of constructed widgets to the "id" attribute. In GTK+ 2.20 or newer,
> you have to use gtk.Buildable.get_name() instead of
> gtk.Widget.get_name() to obtain the "id", or set the "name" property
> in your UI definition."

I am going to answer my own question and report a documentation bug.
The gtk.Buildable.get_name() function takes a widget as an argument,
but the documentation omits that fact. See:


More generally, shouldn't the widget's name property be populated by
the builder?  This change seems like it would cause a lot of needless
breakage to existing code ported from libglade to the builder stuff.

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