
I'm designing a widget. Its "do_get_request_mode(self)" returns

Now, in a testcase, the widget does the following:
1) do_get_preferred_width() is called: it returns 53 (minimum), 212
2) do_get_preferred_height_for_width() is called with width 53: it
returns 170, 170
3) do_get_preferred_height_for_width() is called with width 212: it
returns 51, 51

So far, so good: the widget has received all the calls I expected, and
returned what I wanted it to. But now, what I would expect (at least in
a test case in which no other widgets are reclaiming anything) would be
that the widget is offered (212, 51). Instead, not only it is offered
(212, 170), but the 170 is considered as minimum - I'm unable to resize
the widget to something smaller. Now, I did declare 170 as a minimum...
but only in the case in which the width is 53!

To reproduce, you can do:
git clone git://pietrobattiston.it/quack
cd quack
git checkout wrapbox_error
cd plugins/tags
python test_wrapbox.py

to understand what I would like, just replace the "if nat:" at line 93
with "if True:", and rerun.

Thank you in advance for any enlightenment, or pointer to a good
discussion of such issues.


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