Have you tried calling gtk.threads_init() before gobject.timeout_add(...)?

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Todong Ma <gbstac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, everyone
> Following simple code will hang forever on windows XP, and the "check
> dialog" text is never outputted to console. The window created in the code
> showed but is blocked (when I move mouse into the window area, the mouse
> pointer is always a "loading" icon)
> import gtk
> import gobject
> def checkDialog():
>   print 'check dialog'
>   return True
> gobject.timeout_add(500, checkDialog)
> gtk.threads_init()
> w = gtk.Window()
> w.show()
> gtk.main()
> While same code works well on Windows 7
> Runtime details: Windows XP SP3, python 2.7.5, pytgtk-2.24-allinone
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