Hi PyInstaller Team,

In continuation of my Feb 09 message, please note that PyInstaller 5.8 is 
failing to import scipy.stats file "_sobol_direction_numbers.npz” while 
freezing a program (that uses 11 functions from scipy.stats) to one-dir. As 
a result, the following scipy FileNotFoundError is generated while 
executing the pyinstaller-freezed program:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

Exception ignored in: 'scipy.stats._sobol._initialize_v'

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

A have found a hack 
that could temporarily resolve the issue:

Copy the “_sobol_direction_numbers.npz” file from the virtual environment, 
to the PyInstaller one-dir "dist" folder, e.g., 

Could you please come up with a permanent solution?


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