I have written an python code which is working perfectly with
python SNC_OCTwork.py command.
while running pyinstaller --onefile SNC_OCTwork.py command it is telling to 
do the following modification & retry.
1. In your program's .spec file add this line near the top::
     import sys ; sys.setrecursionlimit(sys.getrecursionlimit() * 5)
2. Build your program by running PyInstaller with the .spec file as
   argument::     pyinstaller myprog.spec

After running pyinstaller SNC_OCTwork.spec with modification it ran 
successfully and the SNC_OCTwork.exe file generated in dist folder.
I have copied the exe file outside the dist folder in the root directory. 
while double clicking, it is opening an cmd prompt and getting off after 
sometime. that cmd prompt has some error but unable to see it also unable 
to resolve it

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