Hi Phil,

Trolltech just released a 2.2 preview, as well as making Qt Designer
available.  Both 2.2 and Designer look extremely good, which leads to my

I notice that you have been actively developing VeePee (strange name
btw).  Also, on your roadmap, you mention that support for KDE 2 is
next.  However I see some tasty new widgets (such as QCanvas) that I
would love to see Python support for.  You also have listed window's
support on your long list of things to do.  I would like to get a feel
for what your plans are - is the roadmap accurate (i.e. KDE support
next)? and do you have a projection or timeline on updating PyQt?  

A seperate item that I think would be extremely interesting would be to
build python support for Qt Designer's .ui files.  Either a compiler
could be built to generate python source from the .ui file, or a library
created (a la libglade) to generate the widgets at runtime.  Is this
feasible?  Anyone game to tackle something like this?


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