
I am not able to build PyQT on my ultra10 using the standard sun C++
compiler. Sip compiles without any problem and all the object files in
PyQt/qt also compile fine, but the problem comes while linking these
object files to make libqtcmodule.la.

There seems to be a clash of symbols between qtcmodule.lo and other
files in this directory and I get tons of errors of the following type:

ld: fatal: symbol `__pl__FRC7QStringPCc' is multiply defined:
        (file qtcmodule.lo and file sipqtQWorkspace.lo);
ld: fatal: symbol `sliderStart__C10QScrollBar' is multiply defined:
        (file qtcmodule.lo and file sipqtQWorkspace.lo);
ld: fatal: symbol `__pl__FPCcRC7QString' is multiply defined:
        (file qtcmodule.lo and file sipqtQWorkspace.lo);
ld: fatal: symbol `rRight__5QRect' is multiply defined:
        (file qtcmodule.lo and file sipqtQWorkspace.lo);

I would appreciate if anyone could help me decipher what the problem is
and how it can be rectified.


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