
I'd like to use the PyQt bindings for developing/running GUI applications 
on an iPAQ running OPIE.

Could somebody successfully use PyQt on an ipaq running v0.6-pre1-opie?
What python ipkgs (and from which feed) have to be installed as a 
precondition? Are there any PyQt ipkgs that can be used? Is it possible to 
use those provided for the Zaurus at 
If so - are there any special dependencies to consider?

Many thanks and best regards

Best regards,
 Ralf Ackermann
 Hosting the IP Telephony Field Trial for the Darmstadt Region
Ralf Ackermann                _         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Multimedia Communications |/ | | |\/|           Merckstrasse 25
                          |\ |_| |  |  64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 6151 16-6138                Fax: (+49) 6151 16-6152

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