On Friday 20 September 2002 7:33 am, Greg Fortune wrote:
> Ahh, maybe I should have pulled up my license and found those lines myself
> ;o)  Thanks for pulling me back in line.
> <snip>
> > Things are different and more debateable for PyQt which clearly "competes
> > with" (and wins over) Qt itself (viii) and also allows to "create
> > Applications with the Software" (vii).
> <snip>
> I guess this is where my main concern lies...  By using PyQt and
> distributing a library that allows the user to develop applications using
> Qt, I'm clearly violating Qt's license.  It would seem this would be true
> for *any* interpreted language and even any application that provides
> signifigant scripting capabilities, etc....

I'll try again. You are not distributing a library, you are distributing a 
package. That package includes the library. So long as that package also 
includes an EULA that states what the user is, and is not, allowed to do with 
the library then (in my opinion - and it's only my opinion) you are not 
violating your Qt license. If you want your users to be able to use the 
library to provide access to the Qt API then they need their own copy of Qt 

> > BTW, I have not seen any FAQ on PyQt by trolltech ... where can I find
> > that and/or what does it say?
> Me too ;o)

It's not a PyQt FAQ, it's a PyQt related question in the Qt FAQ.

> For reference, check out the Qt mailing list.  Looks like this issue is
> being hashed over yet again.  Basically, it sounds like Trolltech has
> decided not to pursue the open source Windows Qt market.  Sorry for
> bringing up the GPL/win32 discussion here.  I hadn't dug on the Qt mailing
> list about the windows non-commercial license until today.
> The issue I should have raised is how does this affect interpreted
> languages as opposed to compiled languages?  Is it even possible to use
> Python with Qt?

The FAQ answer states that it is. The other precedent that I forgot to mention 
before is that Trolltech donated a commercial Qt license to me for 2 
successive years (up until June this year) so that I could support PyQt under 
Windows. Since June I chose to purchase my own copy of Qt as I was planning 
the commercial edition of PyQt and it would have been morally wrong to 
continue to accept the donation in that situation.


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