I've been working on a method to optimize whitespace with Mako
templates -- instead of collapsing insignificant whitespace after
Pyramid renders the view_callable, it's stripped when Mako first
compiles the template.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to integrate this with Pyramid.

At first I was going to pass in a single config argument, but then I
realized that this needed to have some sort of conditional control on
this -- for those cases when rendering plaintext email or other types
of files where all whitespace is significant.

When I started going through the `pyramid/mako_templating.py` file , i
saw that the lookup ( line 154 ) was tied down to a subset of the
kwargs allowed by mako.lookup.TemplateLookup.__init__ ( line 147 ).
Only about half of the arguments are allows.

I was thinking about different ways to enable a passthrough of all
mako arguments, and this came to mind:

add to pyramid/config/settings.py :

    class SettingsSection(Settings):
        def __init__(self, settings=None, section_prefix=None, **kw):
            if settings is None:
                settings = {}
            section_prefix_len = len(section_prefix)
            section = dict([  (k[section_prefix_len:],v) for k,v in
settings.items() if k[:section_prefix_len] == section_prefix ])
            for (k,v) in kw.items():
                if k not in section:
                     section[k] = v
            dict.__init__(self, **section)

then grabbing the entire mako section , with defaults , would be
something like:

    mako_defaults = {\
        'directories' : [],
        'module_directory' : None,
        'input_encoding':'utf-8'  ,
    mako_settings = SettingsSection( settings , 'mako.' ,
**mako_defaults )

i mocked up a gist here:  https://gist.github.com/jvanasco/5257232

it's not a perfect solution , as a handful of current settings need to
have pyramid operate on them ( such as the dotted name resolver. )
But something like this could allow for more mako arguments to be
passed it, without requiring a user to completely reimplement the
mako_templating infrastructure.

The only other idea I had, was to allow a user-defined mako lookup
routine to be configured.  That seemed more extensible, but messier.

Thoughts ?

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