Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:

By the way, before this thread gets out of control, I strongly believe
templating engines are a matter of engineering taste.  Pick one you
(and your team) like, and let other developers pick ones they like.
Pylons doesn't tie you to any of them.

Speaking of, I'm a bit curious about the differences between Buffet and the Buffet derivative in Pylons. I've just finished a new templating system and am going to have it working with Buffet/CherryPy/TurboGears, but I'd like to have it work with Pylons too, if at all possible.

I looked over the source for Buffet in Pylons and it appears the main difference is the import of some values from the pylons module (although I was just a bit thrown by having the Myghty plugin tossed in there as well - shouldn't that be in a separate module?). One thing that concerns me is if there will be any conflict for people with both TurboGears and Pylons installed... they both use the python.templating.engines entry point. I had the following in my

entry_points = '''
        breve = breve.plugin.buffet:BreveTemplatePlugin
        pylonsbreve = breve.plugin.pylons:BreveTemplatePlugin

and this would cause TurboGears to crash with an error appearing to relate to the Pylons version (although the Pylons version imports just fine from the interactive prompt) =(

Anyway, any advice, suggestions, pointers, rtfms, et al appreciated.


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