I brought this up with Alberto Valverde and Ian Bicking because
I was using toscawidgets to provoke the problems, but there are
issues with formencode that affect pylons' form handling as
well so I will repeat them here. Alberto has fixed them by
overriding the relevant formencode behavior inside of
toscawidgets; please consider whether to do the same for
pythons is appropriate or not.

1) formencode's UnicodeString from_python method encodes the
string to utf8, which would be used if you have a default value
in the form field. This can fail to render because the template
is expecting unicode strings. The fix is that formencode should
not assume it is the last step in a render pipeline and simply
not encode in from_python; on the other hand, it should
definitely decode if necessary in to_python.

2) if validation fails, UnicodeString fields are left in the
browser-encoded form for error display which can fail
rendering, because unicode objects are being expected in the
template. Alberto fixed this locally by raising the priority of
UnicodeStrings so that they will be validated before other
fields. It probably makes sense to do that in pylons as well,
if not directly in formencode.

The UnicodeString class is the only field type to change the
encoding of its contents on to/from python and thus is the only
one that can either pass or fail rendering based on encoding
alone. In particular, genshi always expects unicode strings and
thus fails consistently.

Patches and testcases for the above are in the toscawidgets,
please reference its SVN or my darcs repository if you want to
see where in the code this is happening.
  David D. Smith

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