On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 22:29 +0100, Christoph Haas wrote:

> But installing anything using easy_install - and be it just 
> into /usr/local - is chaotic and hard to control. easy_install cannot even 
> remove software properly. So I don't think I would want anything than a 
> binary deb package on my system. Just as a side note to Shannon Behrens 
> who said "We're on Ubuntu, and we just use eggs." If you really just 
> install eggs instead of proper binary packages then your Ubuntu package 
> management will get into trouble in no time. (For those not familiar with 
> it: Ubuntu is a sister project of Debian and uses the same package 
> format.)

Why is this so?  I don't use Ubuntu (rather Gentoo and Fedora), but the
problem is mostly the same.  Frankly I tend to avoid all distro-provided
Python packages and use easy_install exclusively.  I think there might
be issues mixing the two methods, but I'm not entirely clear how
selecting easy_install *exclusively* over the system package manager
makes anything worse.

I will note that there are two main reasons I prefer easy_install: 

1) The packages provided by most distros tends toward the stale side and
tend to be far less inclusive than the Cheeseshop.  This means that *no
matter what* I'd be forced to use easy_install on some packages at some
point.  If anything is going to cause issues, it's *mixing* easy_install
with apt/rpm/emerge/etc.  Were I to choose using the system package
manager I'd have a rather smallish selection of slightly (or badly)
out-of-date packages with no obvious benefit in exchange for this
sacrifice. Given that this is the case, selecting to use easy_install
exclusively appears to be a no-brainer.

2) For my specific environments, I utilize user-owned site-packages
directories (which helps with maintaining version compatibility for
deployed applications and allows users to install/maintain their own
required packages).  This is probably not possible using the system
packaging tools.

I'll add that while it's true that easy_install cannot remove packages
properly, doing so manually is hardly problematic (remove the .egg and
its corresponding entry from easy_install.pth).  This doesn't resolve
dependency issues, but frankly those aren't nearly as much of an issue
with Python as they are at the OS level (simply by nature of Python's
more limited scope and influence on the system at large).


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