On Aug 15, 2007, at 8:11 AM, emery_c wrote:

> I have been trying to get the CalendarDatePicker to work in pylons as
> well, using http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/An 
> +Alternative+ToscaWidgets+Setup+with+Mako.
>> Are you sure you're using the render_response function provided in
>> toscawidgets.mods.pylonshf and passing all widgets to the template in
>> the c.w attribute?
> I believe I am. Both those steps are covered in the how-to I
> referenced above. It seems the necessary js files are being included,
> but the onclick function isn't being added to the button - apparently
> I missed a step someplace.
> The output html looks like this:
> <div>
> <input id="form_date" class="required calendardatetimepicker"
> type="text" value="2007/08/10 20:48" name="date"/>
> <input id="form_date_trigger" class="date_field_button" type="button"
> value="Choose"/>
> </div>
> The relevant controller code is:
>     def index(self):
>     c.title = "Add User Form"
>     c.w = WidgetBunch()
>     c.w.form = form
>     c.value = Person() # Testing class from example above
>     c.action = h.url_for(action='save')
>     return render_response('widget') # Mako
> I am using the AddUserForm from samples.py and the following code in
> widget template:
> % if c.input_values:
>     <h1>Validated data:</h1>
>     <dl>
>     % for k,v in c.input_values.iteritems():
>         <dt>${k}</dt>
>         <dd><pre>${repr(v)}</pre></dd>
>     % endfor
>     </dl>
> % elif c.w and c.w.form and c.action:
>     ${c.w.form.display(c.value, action=c.action)}
> % endif
> Any assistance would be appreciated.

A line like this should be rendered at the bottom of <body>:

Calendar.setup({"ifFormat": "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", "button":  
"form_date_trigger", "showsTime": true, "inputField": "form_date"});

If it is missing, maybe you forgot to add something like this in  


         % for rsrc in c.resources.get('head', []):
         % endfor


         % for rsrc in c.resources.get('bodytop', []):
         % endfor


         % for rsrc in c.resources.get('bodybottom', []):
         % endfor



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