I wish I was online over the holidays to take part in this discussion.

Here's my .02ยข :

- I think SqlAlchemy is the best ORM out there, and it's honestly been
the deciding factor for me going with Pylons and sticking with
- I think Pyramid core really needs to have a concrete DB/ORM plugin
functionality / method / api / style.  Whether you use SqlAlchemy or
ZopeDB or something else, I think Pyramid should have a standard /
recommended and documented place + support for starting up the DB
connectivity.  This doesn't need to be lines of code , it could just
be a very well documented coding style / paster template.
- I think the SqlAlchemy support needs to handle one or more
databases , and both declaritive and reflective styles ( is there a
third kind )?

Pyramid is simply too free / open ended right now in regards to
database support.  It has the most potential out of all the
frameworks, but its just frustrating at times.

I started with the stock sqlahelper, and have been hacking at my
integration to get more core SqlAlchemy functionality that it no
longer resembles anything in published docs... if i had to hand this
project over to someone else, i'd be worried that its so custom.

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