i personally wouldn' do that, because my SqlAlchemy classes are really
just used for populating a read-only cache -- which is a dict -- and
creating/editing records.

in your case... and I'm just thinking out loud...

1. you could create an abstract class called CacheBacked, which your
Reflected/Declared tables would also intherit from.  you could then
provide a "get_by_id(id)" function.  Calling that could try to load
from a cache, and then failover to loading form SqlAlchemy.  there are
a lot of problems with that approach though, as SqlAlchemy and your
transaction layer may try to persist the objects.  the interface would
be really awkward too.

2. you could create a wrapper class that proxies a bunch of sqlalchemy
objects and saves them to a cache..

    class CacheBacked(object):
         wrapped_sqla_class= None
         data_structure= None
         def load(id):
              self.data_structure= load_from_memory()
              if not data_structure:
dbSession.query( self.wrapped_sqla_class ).filter_by(id=id).one()
pull_details_of( wrapped_instance )

    class Useraccount():
         wrapped_sqla_class= models.Useraccount

although, honestly, i don't like either of those ideas and wouldn't do
them.  hopefully someone here has a good idea ( i just felt it
worthwhile to discuss bad ideas! )

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