Nat & others,

Thanks for your input.  

>and I would be happy to contribute some of my time.  However, my
>impression has been that future PyMOL development will be almost

Not at all.  Here is an overview of DeLano Scientific's Open-Source

Our plan is to eventually distribute development and support as broadly
as possible, throughout the world. 

However, PyMOL's current C core is such spagetti code that a distributed
approach would surely fail with that module.  Other developers who have
looked over the source code have shared this opinion, and there have
been very few core code contributions in past years.  Thus, for the near
term, I expect to continue maintaining and improving the core myself
with help from a few people who can work closely with me (in person,
with a white-board, correcting my mistakes, preparing high-quality
documentation and robust specifications).

Nevertheless, much distributed development can and will happen through
our *main* strategy in which remote developers assume responsibility for
well-defined, standalone modules that are wrapped behind simple Python
interfaces.  The great thing about doing development in this way is that
those modules will also find utility and adoption beyond PyMOL.

Standalone Python (and C/C++) modules will eventually provide PyMOL with
useful capabilities such as:

   - Custom GUIs, built using Tkinter, wxWindows, QT, Jython, or
   - an electrostatics engine
   - diverse file I/O
   - batch movie generation
   - one or more molecular mechanics force-fields
   - a gradient minimization engine
   - homology model generation
   - a protein morphing engine
   - a sequence alignment engine
   - a SMARTS/SMILES-enabled chemical database engine
   - a secondary structure assignment engine
   - crystallographic target functions
   - 2D->3D conformer generation
   - guided tutorials

and so on...

In each case, these modules will communicate data to and from PyMOL via
Python interfaces.  Opaque C or C++ objects will be used to pass large
data sets that Python couldn't otherwise handle efficiently.

Yes, core development must remain centralized (at least for now), but we
are absolutely planning to decentralize development of most of the new
and exciting features which will come into existence in the next few
years.  My hope is that we will eventually raise sufficient recurring
sponsorship funds to compensate a whole fleet of remote, part-time
developers for their work.  

Would developer-scientists be interested in earning some extra income
writing Open-Source software according to published guidelines and
specifications?  I hope so, and particularly so when they are able to
retain ownership of the code, giving us just an unrestricted license to
use, modify, and redistribute it, in the same way we make PyMOL
available to all of you.  Eventually, we hope to compensate numerous
parties engaged in Open-Source development.

Likewise, the plan is to spread many of the support responsibilities
over a base of knowlegable users.  The details are sketchy, but I know
for certain that the best people to support the program are the same
people who are using it to solve real-world problems.  As with
developers, the goal is to provide reasonable compensation to those who
participate in this capacity.  In the meantime, the
volutary/collaborative approach seems to be working reasonably well, and
I continue to thank active members of the mailing list for their
wonderful contributions.

Please understand that the above outline is just a general picture of
how things are likely to shape up, and that the details are subject to
change.  It may take a decade to reach this scale of operation, but I am
confident that DeLano Scientific will eventually get there, once people
come to appreciate the research-enabling potential of Open-Source.  All
things in time.

Assembling a decent manual is top priority right now, and then we need
to make sure that we are providing sufficient incentives/rewards to
motivate continuing sponsorship of the project.  We will need
substantial backing from individuals, governments, academia, biotech,
and the pharmaceutical industry in order to realize this Open-Source

As always, your thoughts are welcome.


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D. 
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154 
Fax   (650)-593-4020

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