Anybody know what this message is caused by?

Yep :) I have seen this a couple times before, do you have a 'sw/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/' if you don't do a 'fink rebuild python22' even if it is there still do a 'fink rebuild python22' a rebuilding of python always seems to fix it.



Thanks for the tip. I had rebuilt python22 and pymol to no avail, but I did "solve" the problem.

I had set up my computer to run the python based AutoDock Tools interface to the docking program AutoDock. The installer for this program puts its own copy of python as a subdirectory in the main application directory and adds some environment variables to the .cshrc file. Apparently, some variable created here affected other python based apps. When I commented these out and opened a new xterm and ran pymol, everything worked normally.

Sorry I didn't give you all the relevant info. I thought I had successfully run pymol after installing ADT, but I apparently did not.

Ideally, I can get ADT to use the fink python, but I don't know if I want to take the time to sort out what all is going on. I guess I can run a special setup script if I want to run ADT and then open a new xterm if I want to run pymol.


Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado  80523
phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801

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