Hi Everyone,
I am trying to load a CNS map around this object "buckleddna". The map doesnt 
load. I tried to convery it to *.xplor format using Mapman and retry. That 
doesnt help either.
Any suggestions ?
 Executive: object "buckleddna" created.
PyMOL>load polya, polya, 1, xplor
ObjectMapLoadXPLORFile-Error: Unable to open file!
PyMOL>load polya.map, polya, 1, xplor
 Crystal: Unit Cell          104.920  109.600  177.970
 Crystal: Alpha Beta Gamma    90.000   90.000   90.000
 Crystal: RealToFrac Matrix
 Crystal:    0.0095   -0.0000   -0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0091   -0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000    0.0056
 Crystal: FracToReal Matrix
 Crystal:  104.9200    0.0000    0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000  109.6000    0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000  177.9700
 Crystal: Unit Cell Volume  2046518.
 Executive: object "polya" created.
PyMOL>isomesh map,polya,0.5, buckleddna
 Isomesh: created "map", setting level to 0.500
 ObjectMesh: updating "map".
 IsosurfVolume: Surface generated using 0 lines.
Thanks a ton,

Raji Edayathumangalam
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA

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