There are two examples that I can find for loading the multiple frames (in my case of a morph between two structures) using a single command. In my case the frames are ff0.pdb thru ff30.pdb. I've been trying to substitute the my file names into the following example (from movie school).

ls morph*pdb |awk '{print ("load",$0",mov,"NR)}' > load.pml
ls ff*.pdb |awk '{print ("load",$0",mov,"NR)}' > load.pml

also, typing the following example from the users manual gives invalid syntax with an arrow pointing to the m in file_list =glob("mov*.pdb"):

2) The following is a Python program (with a .py or .pym extension) which uses a Python loop to load a large number of numbered PDB files, and then configures PyMOL to show them both forwards and backwards.

from glob import glob
from pymol import cmd

file_list = glob("mov*.pdb"):

for file in file_list

cmd.mset("1 -%d -2"%len(file_list))

I obviously have no idea how to program. Sorry about that. I need canned 
commands to succeed.

Thank you,

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