Hi there,

I'm having problems visualising apbs .dx maps in pymol.  Pymol (0.97) 
and apbs (0.3.1) compile from source fine and run otherwise normally.  

apbs_tools launches ok within pymol and the user interface appears fine.  
On initiating the calculation, pink dots representing charge assignment appear 
and disappear.  apbs_tools output seems fine:

This executable compiled on Mar 18 2005 at 18:20:06
Parsing input file pymol-generated.in...
Parsed input file.
Got PQR paths for 1 molecules
Reading PQR-format atom data from pymol-generated.pqr.
asc_getToken: Error occurred (bailing out).
Vio_scanf: Format problem with input.
  2145 atoms
  Centered at (-1.215e-01, 1.816e+00, -1.078e+00)
  Net charge -2.99e+00 e
Preparing to run 2 PBE calculations.
  Setting up problem...
  Vpbe_ctor:  Using max ion radius (2 A) for exclusion function
  Debye length:  0 A
  Current memory usage:  191.244 MB total, 191.244 MB high water
  Using cubic spline charge discretization.
  Grid dimensions: 97 x 97 x 97
  Grid spacings: 0.689 x 0.704 x 0.761
  Grid lengths: 66.183 x 67.631 x 73.076
  Grid center: (-0.121, 1.833, -1.045)
  Multigrid levels: 4
  Molecule ID: 1
  Nonlinear traditional PBE
  Single Debye-Huckel sphere boundary conditions
  4 ion species (0.000 M ionic strength):
    2.000 A-radius, 1.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
    2.000 A-radius, -1.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
    2.000 A-radius, 2.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
    2.000 A-radius, -2.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
  Solute dielectric: 20.000
  Solvent dielectric: 80.000
  Using "molecular" surface definition; harmonic average smoothing
  Solvent probe radius: 1.400 A
  Temperature:  310.000 K
  Surface tension:  0.105 kJ/mol/A^2
  Solving PDE (see io.mc* for details)...

  Setting up problem...
  Vpbe_ctor:  Using max ion radius (2 A) for exclusion function
  Debye length:  0 A
  Current memory usage:  188.714 MB total, 216.587 MB high water
  Using cubic spline charge discretization.
  Grid dimensions: 97 x 97 x 97
  Grid spacings: 0.614 x 0.623 x 0.656
  Grid lengths: 58.931 x 59.783 x 62.986
  Grid center: (-0.121, 1.833, -1.045)
  Multigrid levels: 4
  Molecule ID: 1
  Nonlinear traditional PBE
  Boundary conditions from focusing
  4 ion species (0.000 M ionic strength):
    2.000 A-radius, 1.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
    2.000 A-radius, -1.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
    2.000 A-radius, 2.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
    2.000 A-radius, -2.000 e-charge, 0.000 M concentration
  Solute dielectric: 20.000
  Solvent dielectric: 80.000
  Using "molecular" surface definition; harmonic average smoothing
  Solvent probe radius: 1.400 A
  Temperature:  310.000 K
  Surface tension:  0.105 kJ/mol/A^2
  Potential to be written to pymol-generated.dx
  Solving PDE (see io.mc* for details)...
  Writing potential to pymol-generated.dx
Destroying force arrays.
No energy arrays to destroy.
Destroying multigrid structures.
Destroying 1 molecules
Final memory usage:  0.000 MB total, 216.587 MB high water
Thanks for using APBS!
 ObjectMapLoadDXFile: Loading from 'pymol-generated.dx'.
 DXStrToMap: Dimensions: 97 97 97
 DXStrToMap: Origin  -29.587  -28.058  -32.538
 DXStrToMap: Grid    0.614    0.623    0.656
 DXStrToMap: 912673 data points.
 ObjectMap: Map Read.  Range = -52.501362 to 43.938789

but the following error appears when I try to update under the 
visualisation tab of apbs_tools:

Function: <bound method VisualizationGroup.refresh of 
<pmg_tk.startup.apbs_tools.VisualizationGroup instance at 0x11fe808>> 
(type: <type 'instance method'>)
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.2/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/PmwBase.py", 
line 1747, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.2/site-packages/pmg_tk/startup/apbs_tools.py", 
line 484, in refresh
"/usr/lib64/python2.2/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/PmwButtonBox.py", line 
66, in destroy
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.2/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/PmwBase.py", 
line 386, in destroy
    del _hullToMegaWidget[self._hull]

I guess this is prob a more general python error within my setup but was 
just wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem or has any 



Dr Nicola Meenan
Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QU

T: +44 (0) 1865 275773
F: +44 (0) 1865 275253

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