Hi Gregori,
If you are just saving an image without rendering it (eg - "png" without "ray") then the raw OpenGL output is sent to the file. Meaning, if you have the command line/menu window open in front of the graphics window, your images will be cut off where they overlap. This might or might not be the problem, but I've had it bite me once before so I thought I'd get it out there.


Grégori Gerebtzoff wrote:

I’m currently writing a pml script for a movie, with complex animation (i.e. rotate, move, translate, set_transparency etc.), and for each state I use the png function to get an image (I then use another software to compile them into an avi file).

Everything works fine but the top of each image is cut (I tried several resolution with the viewport command, at 800x600 the 120 first lines are black, at 960x720 the first 240 lines are black).

I work with the version 0.97 of PyMol, and my OS is WinXP Pro SP2. When I launch the script, I cannot see what happens in PyMol (I only have the introduction screen and PyMol “hangs” until all frames are generated=”not responding” state) and when the script is finished, I can see the final state and everything is fine, i.e. the displayed image is complete. If I try to use the png command at this stage, the resulting file is complete (no black lines).

Many thanks for your help! Of course I can send script and files if one wants to try it out…


Grégori Gerebtzoff

Division of Biophysical Chemistry

Biozentrum, University of Basel

Klingelbergstrasse 70

CH-4056 Basel / Switzerland

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