Hello Michelle,

You can also edit the SetEditor.py file. The file is in the 
'/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pmg_tk' directory on linux and add the 
feature. It can be done by adding to small portion of add-on code to the 
file. If you do so:

Keep a copy of the original file in a safe place !

Here is a part of the modified file:
class SetEditor:

   def __init__(self,app):

      self.app = app
      self.list = []
      for a in  pymol.setting.get_index_list():
         self.list.append("%-30s %s"%(pymol.setting._get_name(a),

      self.index = {}
      c = 0
      for a in pymol.setting.get_name_list():
         self.index[a] = c
         c = c + 1
      self.dialog = Pmw.SelectionDialog(self.app.root,title="Settings",
                          buttons = ('Edit', 'Done'),
                          label_text='Double click to edit',
                          scrolledlist_items = self.list,
                          command = self.command)

     # start of the add-on
      interior = self.dialog.interior()
      self.filter = Pmw.EntryField(interior,
                              labelpos = 'w',
                              label_text= 'Filter:',
                              validate = None,
                              command = self.filter_list)
      # end of the add-on

      self.listbox = self.dialog.component('scrolledlist')

  # start of the add-on
   def filter_list(self):
      self.list = []
      for a in pymol.setting.get_index_list():
          if self.filter.getvalue() in pymol.setting._get_name(a):
              self.list.append("%-30s %s"%(pymol.setting._get_name(a),
   # end of the add-on

   def cancel(self,event=None):

This code works fine on my linux box. If you have some problem, don't hesitate 
to ask me !


Jerome Pansanel

Le Mardi 18 Avril 2006 18:02, Michelle Gill a écrit :
> While we're discussing ways to make our favorite program a little
> better, I had an idea I thought I'd throw out there...
> While making some figures the other day, I found myself scrolling
> endlessly through the edit settings menu (under Setting --> Edit All) a
> number of times, mostly to locate a relatively small number of settings
> related to ray tracing. This got me thinking about a way to improve
> access to the many wonderful features that have been added to PyMOL.
> The solution I came up with is a filter line which could be placed
> directly above the window listing all the settings. Users could then
> type a word, say "ray" or "cartoon", and only the settings containing
> this word would be shown.
> The best example of a program containing this feature is the
> "about:config" window in Firefox. When you open a browser and type
> "about:config" instead of an address, a window containing hundreds of
> settings appears. At the top is a filter bar which you can use to pare
> down the number of settings listed below.
> I think this would be a great addition to PyMOL and would help users
> familiarize themselves with the many new settings which have been (and
> will be) implemented. :)
> Perhaps others have even better solutions to this problem. The use of a
> filter is just the first idea which came to my mind. I think it would be
> relatively easy to implement, although my python programming skills are
> somewhat limited.
> Thanks,
> Michelle Gill
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