
> I'm working on a plugin that reads information appended to the end of
PDB files to draw CGO objects.  Right now, I have the user specify the
filesystem path to the currently loaded objects through the
> plugin GUI so that I know where to go to find the file.  For one object,
this isn't so bad.  But if users load multiple objects that are in
different directories, I will have to change the GUI so that the user
has to specify the path to each object loaded.  This kind of situation
would quickly become tedious.  Does PyMOL store the paths for objects
that are loaded somewhere?  I know I can get the current working
directory using getcwd(), so I'm hoping there's a way to get the path to
the loaded objects as well.

I don't know of a way to get file information from a pymol object, but you
could work around this by using a python dictionary (when the pdb file is
loaded, store the full path to the file in a dictionary using the pymol
object name as the key).

Of course the fact that I don't know how to get the full path from a pymol
object doesn't mean that there isn't a way...

Good luck,


Pete Meyer
Fu Lab
BMCB grad student
Cornell University

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