I have just installed version 1.0r2 from svn on a
brand new AMD Fedora 8 64-bit machine and it installed
without error.  However, when I try to run pymol I get
the same startup error that I had received some time
ago on a different machine (the earlier problem seemed
to fix itself for some reason):

python: Modules/gcmodule.c:276: visit_decref:
Assertion `gc->gc.gc_refs != 0' failed.
/usr/local/bin/pymol: line 2:  2916 Aborted           

I appreciate your reply on that earlier issue, Warren,
but I'm afraid I do not understand what steps I can
take for a workaround.  Are you suggesting below that
I change the gcc instructions in some file?  Any
clarification would be appreciated.  Has any other
workarounds been identified?


Re: [PyMOL] strange pymol crash
From: DeLano Scientific <del...@de...> - 2007-12-22

This is a bug we haven't yet been able to figure out
yet. However, Jack
Howarth has provided the following workaround:

[with] the compile flags...

-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fexceptions -fstack-protector
--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic

Out of those it turns out that "-fstack-protector
triggers the run-time failures. These same flags don't
cause a problem on
x86 (-m32) builds. You might want to look into this
to see if the stack protection code is picking up on a
real flaw in pymol at

I hope this helps!

Warren >>>

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